February 2018
President’s Report
As we get closer to April, I am fielding lots of calls from folks asking me about attending the AMUG Conference. For many, the central question is “What will I get from attending?” I have a bigger, better question, “What will you give?” Those who enter the AMUG Conference with a one-sided approach gain far less from the event than those that attend with the intention of sharing.
AMUG is not an ordinary conference that you attend to just get stuff. It’s not about showing up with an empty bag to fill with information to take back. AMUG is a users group. It’s about what you will bring with you to give. And when you give, you will get much, much more in return.
My primary goal in attending the AMUG Conference is to share my knowledge, experience, and tricks with everyone who asks. In return, I hope (and expect) that they will offer the same things to me. It’s a great opportunity to live in the true spirit of give and take.
Without a doubt, there will be plenty of opportunity for the “getting,” and we have a full conference agenda to accomplish this. We also structure the event to promote conversations and meeting new people. Every day, you will stuff your pockets with business cards of those that you can continue to learn from, and in return, give to. For example, you will meet new people at every lunch since your seating arrangement is decided by a random number draw. Over lunch, you will chat with new acquaintances, and hopefully, make new friends, but that is entirely up to you.
Sponsors, exhibitors and speakers, we have spent lots of time preparing for the AMUG Conference, and you have been hearing from the expo and agenda teams about paperwork and information needed to make the conference run smoothly. We have tried to make this process as easy as possible, so be sure to take action when requested. If you have not logged in to our new online portal, please do so today.

Paul Bates
Scholarship Application Extension
Time is flying by and some deadlines are fast approaching! In case you were not aware, AMUG offers scholarships each year to give one student (Guy E. Bourdeau Scholarship) and one educator (Randy Stevens Scholarship) the opportunity to attend the AMUG Conference and spend an entire week in a deep dive with the additive manufacturing community. This is truly an awesome opportunity and one that we do not want prospective applicants to miss. In order to give students and educators a little more time to submit their applications, we are extending the deadline to February 23, 2018.
Do you know a student or educator that is passionate about additive manufacturing / 3D printing? Maybe you are that person? Do not let this opportunity pass by!
Details and downloadable applications can be accessed through our scholarships page.
Action-Packed AMUG Agenda – Plan Your Time
The 2018 AMUG Conference Program and Agenda is nearly complete and is by far the most comprehensive agenda in our 30-year existence. This would not be at all possible without the help of our many volunteers and especially our Track Leaders. You asked for more panel discussions and hands-on training, and we listened. In total, AMUG offers over 100 presentations, panel discussions and hands-on training sessions. In addition, we have 14 Diamond Sponsors and 20 Platinum Sponsors that will provide sessions. This yields over 200 sessions taking place in a span of four days.
AMUG strives to be an education and training conference for owners and operators of additive manufacturing. We work diligently with our presenters so that they provide real-life content in their presentations and training sessions. Our motto is “For Users, By Users” so come with an open mind and notebook as you are going to fill both during your time at the AMUG Conference.
First-Time Attendees
Attending for the first time? Join us for the New Members session on Sunday afternoon, where we set the tone for our first-timers, and then conclude your participation at our recap session on Thursday afternoon to give us feedback.
Education and Training Track – Jordan Weston, Track Leader
When we developed this year’s Education and Training Track, we aimed to focus on some key fundamentals to ensure you’re getting the most value from additive manufacturing – design and software, manufacturing best practices, and quality assurance. This year, we have several presentations spanning the entire week focused on how software can support your AM needs, ranging from intuitive design optimization and simulation, to infrastructure solutions, to manufacturing and production-scale challenges. Be sure to register for one of the many hands-on workshops, where you’ll have the opportunity to hone your existing skills or try out some powerful software to see if it’s a fit for you.
We have many presentations that cover best practices, including taking advantage of design freedom and unique capabilities with design for additive manufacturing tips, tricks, and case studies. Additional sessions include strategies for benchmarking and characterizing materials through your production workflow and the role that standards, connectivity, and interoperability will play as the Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 initiatives continue to grow. If your processes include handling combustible powdered materials, you won’t want to miss Monday afternoon’s presentation on managing the hazards associated with combustible dust and additive manufacturing, and on Wednesday, share your insights with other industry experts in a continuation of last year’s popular roundtable to explore process inefficiencies in additive manufacturing and how they can be addressed.
If part quality is your concern, be sure to check out Monday’s Scanning and Metrology Track, leading off with a hands-on metrology workshop where you can fine tune your skills and techniques with using precision measurement tools. Following the metrology workshop are multiple sessions targeted on inspection of complex features with the aid of high-end metrology equipment and computed tomography (CT) scanning. No matter your background, experience, or skill level, you’ll be bound to find something valuable in this year’s Education and Training Track to take back with you!
Certification Course
UL and Tooling U-SME present the first tier of their additive manufacturing (AM) certification program, Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing. The collaborative program is based upon UL’s multi-tiered AM training program and Tooling U-SME’s Professional Certification. In response to industry feedback, this program provides a single course and certification offering with UL and Tooling U-SME joining together to align our previously independent programs. For information, pricing and registration, visit www.amug.com/ul-training.
Online Planner and Mobile App
With over two hundred sessions, workshops and panels taking place throughout the week, we encourage you to use the AMUG Online Planner to schedule your time at the conference. If you haven’t reviewed the preliminary AMUG Conference Agenda, it’s time to take a look. We have sessions in aerospace, automotive/transportation, medical and dental, metal and plastic technologies, software, casting, and materials, not to mention all of the great sessions provided by our Diamond and Platinum Sponsors.
The online planner will launch next week, and the mobile app will launch in March. Look for an email update next week with a link to the online planner.
Agenda (PDF)
Please check out our website www.amug.com for the latest agenda. We will continue to update the agenda over the next two weeks.
Don’t miss the 30th anniversary of the user group conference – register today!
Nominating Committee Hard at Work
The AMUG Nominating Committee has been working hard to contact past AMUG attendees to pre-qualify candidates for possible 2018-19 AMUG Board positions. This committee is working from a long list of past attendees that have either shown an interest in volunteering or have checked off the volunteer box in registration.
Please note that nominations for board positions will not be accepted from the floor during the annual meeting. The slate of candidates will be prepared prior to the meeting.
If you have not heard from a committee member before the end of February and are interested in a board position (or any type of volunteer work), please contact Tim Gornet at tim.gornet@louisville.edu. AMUG continues to grow as an organization, and we need your help to do so. We look forward to hearing from you soon and thank you in advance for your consideration.
Reminders from the Event Manager
Early Departures
Reports from our conference hotels show a significant drop-off in room registrations on Thursday, April 12. We want to remind you that the conference does not end until 5:00 pm on Thursday and our Family Dinner is from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
If you have not already made your airline reservations, please reconsider a Friday departure.
Awards Banquet
For the first timers attending, and as a reminder to everyone else, the Tuesday night Awards Banquet may take place indoors, outdoors or both, so please check the weather in St. Louis prior to packing. The Awards Banquet is included in your conference registration fee, and transportation is provided. Please wear comfortable clothing (this is not a fashion show; it is a night of entertainment).
Ground Transportation
Transportation between the conference hotels and airport is provided by Best Shuttle. Please use this link to receive the AMUG discount.
Delta and its Sky Team Partners (the official airlines for the conference) are offering discounted airfare from anywhere in the world. To take advantage of these discounts, make your reservations, or ask your corporate travel planners to make them, using this link.
Pre-Conference Activities
The golf outing will be on Saturday, April 7 for those who are interested. The cost is $125.00 per person. Please contact Bob Dzugan (rdzugan@buycastings.com) if you need additional information.
Sporting clays will be on Sunday morning and transportation is provided. The cost is $135.00 per person (based on a minimum of 20 people). Please contact Dave Haydon (dhaydon@bluefirellc.com) or Stefan Ritt (stefan.ritt@slm-solutions.com) if you need additional information.
Registration for both activities is available, as an option, through our conference registration site.
Questions & Issues
As always, if you have any issues or questions regarding hotels or transportation, please contact Tom Sorovetz, event manager, at EventManager@amug.com.
Technical Competition
Annually, AMUG provides a platform to show off excellence in AM applications and AM part finishing. Please consider entering your best work in our Technical Competition.
Entries will be accepted through April 1, 2018. Details and entry forms are available here.

2017 Technical Competition winners.
Attention Sponsors and Exhibitors
We are excited to share two announcements. First, over the last couple of months, the AMUGexpo Team has been diligently working to develop and launch the new Sponsor and Exhibitor Service Center. We are pleased to announce the launch of the new website with our Official Service Provider. Which leads us to our second announcement: AMUG is pleased to announce our Official Service Provider for 2018 AMUG Conference – Red Oak Meetings & Events (Red Oak).
By now, all exhibitors and exhibiting Sponsors have been sent an email with log-in details. If you have not received the email, please contact Jay Dinsmore at jay.dinsmore@amug.com. Deadlines are quickly approaching, and we want to make sure you have all the information you need to prepare for your participation. The Service Center includes important dates, shipping addresses, expo times, and AMUGexpo contacts. A one-page checklist is also included to help you organize all the essential details.
AMUG has set up an advance warehouse (noted in the exhibitor service center) to receive shipments ahead of the conference to help us organize move-in. The advance warehouse and transfer to the Union Station hotel are offered at no additional cost to sponsors and exhibitors.
Questions regarding move-in should be directed to Jay Dinsmore, deputy VP, at jay.dinsmore@amug.com.
Street Banners for Promotion
We are pleased to add street banners to the offering for our 2018 Sponsors and Exhibitors! These will be 7’ high and 5’ wide and located right outside the St. Louis Union Station hotel. If interested in this promotional opportunity, please email the vice presidents with your request.
GE Additivewww.ge.com/additive
GE Additive Education Program Open for Entries
GE Additive is now accepting applications from schools and colleges for the 2018 cycle of its Additive Education Program (AEP). The application is live on the GE Additive website at www.ge.com/additive until February 28, 2018.
GE is investing $10 million over five years in educational programs to deliver polymer 3D printers to primary and secondary schools and metal 3D printers to colleges and universities around the world.
“We are excited to continue the program in 2018 and give students across all grades exposure to additive manufacturing. This will help promote interest in STEM and create a pipeline of qualified engineers and technicians to accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing” says Jason Oliver, VP & CEO of GE Additive.
Global Tungsten & Powders (GTP) Develops Tungsten Carbide Cobalt for ExOne Binder Jetting
GTP has partnered with ExOne to develop Tungsten Carbide Cobalt (AM WC701) for our binder jetting process. AM WC701 is ideal for wear applications and tooling (dies, mandrels, rolls, etc.). Parts printed with AM WC701 have mechanical properties that are similar to those of conventionally produced Tungsten Carbide Cobalt parts, such as hardness and fracture toughness.
More details about AM WC701 can be found in the article “Sintering of WC-12%Co processed by binder jet 3D printing technology”, in the International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials—71 (2018) 28-35.
For more information or to order test coupons, email our Sales Manager Nick Studley: nick.studley@exone.com.
Visit www.exone.com to learn more about our offerings. To learn about GTP powders, visit www.globaltungsten.com.
RenAM 500Q: Pioneering Productivity in Additive Manufacturing
To improve additive manufacturing productivity and lower cost per part, Renishaw has launched its latest system, the RenAM 500Q. Featuring four 500 W lasers, the compact machine will greatly improve productivity in the most commonly used platform size to bring the benefits of additive manufacturing to a wider range of industries.
By speeding up the process by up to four times, the RenAM 500Q broadens the market appeal of metal additive manufacturing into applications that were previously uneconomic, driving the technology into new industries. By positioning the machine competitively, Renishaw has ensured the productivity benefits will reduce cost per part, without compromising on the precision or quality of a standard single-laser system.
For more information on how the RenAM 500Q can help you realize additive manufacturing in your industry visit www.renishaw.com/renam500Q.
HP Inc.www.hp.com/go/3Dprinting
HP Accelerates Democratization of 3D Printing
HP Inc. has expanded its 3D printing portfolio with the introduction of its new Jet Fusion 300 / 500 series of 3D printers, tailored for small-/medium-sized product development teams, design firms, and universities, enabling them to produce engineering-grade, functional parts in full color, black or white – with voxel control – in a fraction of the time.
The new printers, coupled with the industrial-grade HP Jet Fusion 3D 3200/4200/4210 Printing Solutions, enable customers to go from prototyping to full production on the same Multi Jet Fusion technology platform.
HP also unveiled a new collaboration with Dassault Systèmes, with the two companies intending to optimize Dassault Systèmes’ industry-leading SOLIDWORKS 3D design and engineering applications to take advantage of the unique voxel-level capabilities of HP Multi Jet Fusion technology.
Join HP at the 2018 AMUG Conference for a sneak preview of the new HP Jet Fusion 300/500 series!
3D Systemswww.3dsystems.com
SOLIDWORKS Users Gain Access to Optimized AM Design Tools
Millions of SOLIDWORKS customers are now eligible to receive 3DXpert for SOLIDWORKS as part of their SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD subscription. With this complementary software, SOLIDWORKS users are able to prepare and optimize designs for both plastic and metal additive manufacturing to create more shapes more ways.
3DXpert for SOLIDWORKS allows designers to maintain the integrity of their design by working with native CAD solids without converting them to STL, and it provides a wide array of tools to optimize structures and ensure quality printed parts. These new capabilities allow users to be more competitive in a marketplace that continues to adopt additive manufacturing for more efficient and optimized parts.
Read 3D Systems’ announcement for more on this new software.
Accelerating the Design Cycle for a Life-Saving Intraosseous Device
Designing medical products is a time-consuming, expensive process. LUNAR, an award-winning design firm now part of McKinsey Design, had to design a low-cost, single-use, manual intraosseous infusion device for the developing world. An intraosseous infusion device delivers life-saving fluids to severe trauma patients. If veins have collapsed and cannot accept an IV infusion line, this device creates venous access by drilling into the marrow of a long bone and placing a cannula for line insertion. The challenge invited the integration of 3D manufacturing.
Using Carbon’s Digital Light Synethsis™ technology, LUNAR and Carbon could collapse multiple manufacturing steps and rapidly iterate on a design for a life-saving product. With DLS, Lunar rapidly iterated on designs, reduced the complexity and potential failure points of the final assembled part, and added textures to their choice of a selection of biocompatible materials.
Learn more about Carbon and LUNAR here.
The State of 3D Printing in Automotive
Join EOS and GKN at the 2018 AMUG Conference for a discussion on the state of 3D printing and the path to success in the North American automotive industry.
What is the state of 3D printing in the automotive segment, and who is adopting it? Where, and why? What are some current innovations?
Driving some of these answers are additive manufacturing (AM) materials. The automotive-only audience will further discuss molded PA6 vs. PA12; what polymer materials are needed now for applications; cast Al vs. Al10SiMg; and a discussion on metal materials development for future products.
Space is limited and intended for automotive OEMs and suppliers only. Additional details to follow at www.amug.com.
BASF 3D Printing Solutions Presents New Track Sessions at 2018 AMUG
BASF will share its latest innovations, including new product launches, high-value use cases and anisotropic part simulation. BASF and our extended strategic partner landscape will show you comprehensive 3D-Printing Solutions at the 2018 AMUG Conference.
As a Diamond Sponsor, we’ll be offering new track sessions on key topics including: metal filament printing for industrial applications, updates on our broad PA6 powder portfolio for laser sintering, ceramic photopolymer printing, TPU powder for Multi Jet Fusion, new photopolymers, among many others. Our sessions will also include talks from key partners such as BigRep, Essentium, Farsoon and GKN Sinter Metals Engineering.
Come join us and help us unleash the power of 3D printing! Together, let’s create the unexpected.
To learn more, please contact us at 3d-printing@basf.com.
White Paper: Designing Jigs & Fixtures with 3D Printing
For manufacturers, maximizing production speed while maintaining high part quality is critical for success. Jigs and fixtures are used to make manufacturing and assembly processes simpler, more reliable, and more efficient, while reducing cycle times and improving worker safety.
Download Formlabs’ white paper on Designing Jigs and Fixtures with 3D Printing to learn how to take advantage of 3D printing’s design freedom to build better jigs and fixtures, and leverage the unique benefits of advanced 3D printing materials in manufacturing.
Desktop Metalwww.desktopmetal.com
Desktop Metal Announces Strategic Partnership with Dassault Systèmes
Desktop Metal has announced a strategic partnership with Dassault Systèmes’ SOLIDWORKS brand to advance design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) through education and an integration between SOLIDWORKS applications and Desktop Metal systems. Desktop Metal will share a preview of the advanced software tool at the AMUG Conference that offers a new approach to designing for additive manufacturing. Live Parts™, an experimental technology, explores a new solution to simplify generative design for 3D printing.
Live Parts, the latest development from within Desktop Metal’s research and innovation group, DM Labs, is an experimental generative design tool that applies morphogenetic principles and advanced simulation to shape strong, lightweight parts in minutes. Powered by a graphics processing unit (GPU)-accelerated multi-physics engine, Live Parts auto-generates designs in real-time. This enables users to quickly realize the full potential of additive manufacturing – including material and cost efficiency, and design flexibility.
An early-stage version of Live Parts is available now to preview exclusively to all SOLIDWORKS users.
Additive Industrieswww.additiveindustries.com
World’s First Integrated Metal 3D Printed Product Removal Module
The MetalFAB1 is the world’s first industrial AM system for series production, which defines a new category of industrial additive manufacturing equipment in terms of reproducibility, productivity and flexibility. The new Part Removal Module is the next step towards a fully integrated additive manufacturing process for functional parts in the MetalFAB1 system.
The Product Removal Module allows for integrated removal of printed parts from the build plate, after heat treatment. The same module also provides resurfacing of the build plate without operator intervention. This creates a shorter turnaround time for build plates to return to production and reduces the investment and the logistics associated with material handling.
For more information, visit www.additiveindustries.com.
Additive Manufacturing Across Industry
At the 2018 AMUG Conference, Stratasys will feature a panel of leading experts to discuss how additive manufacturing is impacting their industry. Leaders from top-performing companies in manufacturing, healthcare, aerospace, logistics and automotive will discuss how additive manufacturing provides efficiencies and progress from initial idea to production to maintenance and replacement.
Our panelists will provide their perspective on areas where additive is accelerating manufacturing processes and where there is still room for further advancements. We’ll also explore how additive is fast-tracking new product introduction, closing the gap in part production and driving positive economic outcomes across industries.
We’re excited to announce our industry-leading panelists next month. Stay tuned!
Learn how 3D printing is changing manufacturing.
SLM Solutionswww.slm-solutions.us
Additive.Designer Software Solutions for AM in Production
Additive.Designer from SLM Solutions Software combines all the features necessary to generate metal AM parts while being fully customizable. Additive.Designer imports all native CAD formats, eliminating the need for STL files, reduces the need of supports with an optimized exposure strategy, guides users to the best plate positioning with component orientation processing and offers a preliminary calculation of the build costs based on the machine and build set-up.
The goal of the software is to lower the learning curve of additive manufacturing by reducing the software skills necessary to be successful while optimizing builds with less supports and workflows based on specific part preparation. See it live at the AMUG Conference in Diamond Suite D-8, Monday, April 9th at 1:30 pm or Wednesday, April 11th at 3:15 pm!
TCT Magazinewww.tctmagazine.com
TCT Awards 2018: Open for Business
Following a hugely successful inaugural event last year, submissions for the TCT Awards 2018 will officially open tomorrow.
Taking place during the 2018 edition of the TCT Show, the TCT Awards will once again celebrate design-to-manufacturing innovation across a range of industries, including medical, aerospace, automotive and consumer products. Technology innovations will also be in the spotlight along with a further three inductees to the coveted TCT Hall of Fame.
The awards will be judged by an independent board of experts, analysts, journalists, and academics. Nominees for the Hall of Fame will be selected by this panel and then a free and fair public vote will be held to determine the three inductees for 2018. Winners will be announced on the evening of Wednesday, September 26, 2018, at the Hilton Metropole, Birmingham, on-site at the NEC.
The TCT Awards 2018 are open to companies across the entire design and manufacturing technology ecosystem. For more information and to enter, visit www.tctawards.com.
3D-Printed Meds: Better Living Through Chemistry or 3D Printing Novelty?
Is 3D-printed medicine just a novelty or a research area ripe with benefits for humanity? Engineering.com explores several technologies for 3D printing medicine to determine the line that separates hope from hype.
Read the story here.
Metal AM Magazine www.metal-am.com
Combining Metal AM and Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP): Application and Process Innovations
Read the special report in Metal AM magazine’s free-to-download Winter 2017 edition.
Discover how combining additive manufacturing and hot isostatic pressing processes has the potential to deliver innovative components. We report on the use of SLM for the manufacture of HIP capsules, HIP as a final densification process in AM, and HIP as a process to join EBM processed components into larger structures.
Download your FREE copy of Metal AM magazine here.
RAPID + TCTwww.rapid3devent.com
RAPID + TCT 2018 Conference Announced
The globally-renowned RAPID + TCT conference brings together over 160 industry experts to speak on the latest processes, applications, materials, and research in additive manufacturing. Attendees have the opportunity to hear from some of the most influential leaders in the industry about how 3D technologies can cut costs, reduce time to market, improve efficiency, create complex geometries, and solve many other industry challenges.
Presentations are labeled novice, intermediate, and expert, allowing attendees to customize a schedule that fits their needs. View conference schedule.
The full conference pass includes:
- 3 days of conference presentations
- Lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
- River Ranch Stockyards Welcome Event
- Full conference proceedings
- Exhibit floor access
- Daily keynote presentations
Make Parts Fastwww.makepartsfast.com
AM Enables Designers to Take Advantage of Innovative Design
One of the benefits of additive manufacturing (AM) is the ability to combine components into one assembly, which often results in better part performance. Such was the case for Bosch when the company needed a better common rail injector (CRI).
For newer generations of CRIs with different surface properties, it has become increasingly important to lubricate the outside diameter of the thread to prevent friction during the process. This might sound simple at first but is, in fact, a tricky task in relation to friction and placement. If the torque expands out of the tolerance window during the process, the injector is discarded.
Read the story here.
Digtital Engineeringwww.digitaleng.news
Subscribe to DE’s Focus on Rapid Technologies Newsletter
Digital Engineering magazine’s monthly Focus on Rapid Technologies newsletter covers rapid prototyping, rapid manufacturing and reverse engineering news and new products that design engineering teams can put to use. The best 3D printing/additive manufacturing content is chosen for each issue by DE’s editors.
Subscribe today and you’ll be sure to see our pre- and post-show coverage of the 2018 Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) conference.
Additive Manufacturing Magazine www.additivemanufacturing.media
Machine Learning’s Link to AM
It seems likely that machine learning will prove to be a significant technology for the advance of additive manufacturing. The latest issue of Additive Manufacturing magazine profiles three different applications in which machine learning is being used to rapidly advance the understanding of additive and our ability to apply it effectively. Here is an introduction.
As a follow-up to that special issue, this article from sister publication Modern Machine Shop describes how machine learning might affect manufacturing more broadly. But even here, as the article notes, additive will be key. Only additive processes will realize some of the designs machine learning will be able to invent.
Your Free February Edition of DEVELOP3D is Ready to Download
Download the February issue here for the full story behind the world’s largest independent LEGO building company, Bright Bricks, and other goodies, including autonomous transport, lattice optimization, Snugs’ 3D printed custom earphones and more.
3D Metal Printing Magazinewww.3dmpmag.com
Look for 3D Metal Printing at AMUG Conference
The info-packed 3D Metal Printing Winter issue is out, featuring a wrap-up of formnext 2017. It also includes an in-depth look by contributing columnist Todd Grimm of 3D printing initiatives at BasTech; an interview of Cullen Hilkene, CEO of 3Diligent, on what we can expect from additive manufacturing in 2018 and beyond; and much more. Stay tuned for the Spring issue, to be distributed at the April AMUG Conference, which 3DMP editors will attend to sit in on conference sessions and walk the show floor.
Read all 3DMP issues at www.3dmpmag.com.