A Word from the Chair
It’s time for our official call for papers! After the great response to the Aerospace Track last year in Santa Fe we are going to continue that track and add a Medical Track as well. If you are using SL or LS in the Aerospace/Defense or Medical markets please share some of your wisdom with others! We are also pushing to have significant technical content on LS of metals this year as requested by the attendees of last year’s meeting.
Now it’s time for you to help by presenting at YOUR conference. If you would like to present a technical paper, introduce a new application of our technologies or provide some hands–on training please email me with your name, presentation title and abstract for review. Remember that we are For Users, By Users!
Our preliminary agenda for the 2011 3DSUG Conference in Miami, Florida is now up and hope you find it worthwhile and it will be updated as we confirm speakers, hands on workshops, and training.
I look forward to seeing you in Miami!
Tim Gornet, University of Louisville & 3DSUG Chairperson
E: chairperson@3dsug.org
Call for Papers
The Sorovetz Report

Tom Sorovetz
Event Manager
Tis the Holiday Season once again, however there is no time to just sit back and relax because the 3DSUG annual conference is only four months away and there is so much to do. If anyone is interested in presenting please contact Tim Gornet as soon as possible. For those interested in scuba diving prior to the conference please contact Guy Bourdeau, for Golf Bob Dzugan, and for fishing please contact Graham Troman or Kevin Ayers.
As I have stated over and over again in past newsletters, we can really use everyone’s help in spreading the word about our conference to Users (past, present and new) as well as vendors. The more attendees and exhibitors the more technical transfer of information, which in turn makes the conference that much more of a success. I know everyone’s time is packed because we are all doing more work with less people, however if everyone could just dedicate 30 minutes a week to make a few phone calls to other Users, potential vendors and sponsors, this will pay off big dividends.
Well that is it for now. Please have a safe and happy Holiday Season and I look forward to seeing everyone in sunny Miami next April.
Conference Registration
Don’t miss out! Event highlights include:
- 2-Day Vendor Fair
- SLA and SLS Technical Competition
- Awards Banquet
- Hands-On Certificate Training
- Much More!!!
A Few More Details…
Happy Holidays to you all. I know the last thing you want to here about is the Users Group in sunny South Florida. Sorry but I have to give a few pointers.
The first is the electronic reminders are sent out automatically. If you are unsure if you will be attending I recommend you just delete the reminder till you are ready to register or not. You do not have to give an answer at time.
Secondly should you decline to attend and your circumstances change and you will be attending you can always register at 3dsug.org and push the big red button.
Third is that all registrations are not final until your payment has been received. Just by using the online system before the price increase in March, which currently is March 25, 2011 does not guarantee the lower price. If you payment is after the discounted date you will be invoiced at the higher price. Please consider this when registering. All unpaid registrations will be invoice as set up in our system as a receivable.
Attendee Registration includes all functions from Sunday evening April 3, 2011 until noon on Thursday April 7, 2011.
Vendor Registration only includes the Sunday April 3, 2011 and Monday April 4, 2011 evening receptions. Any participation in the awards night banquet or daily luncheons can be purchased at the prevailing rate. This rate only covers one person working the booth and one six foot table. Additional tables only can be purchased at the prevailing rate.
Additional Associate Vendor is per person after the one registered under the Vendor Registration. Please keep to a maximum of three persons. The cost is $100 each and covers both nights. Any participation in the awards night banquet or daily luncheons can be purchased at the prevailing rate. Please register your Additional Guest separately. This will provide a name so badges will be created ahead of time instead of onsite.
Award Night Guest is for guest of conference attendees, the Vendors and their guest should they want to participate. There is a cost of $125 per person.
Any questions or concerns please call me at 954-559-3728. Thanks and look forward to seeing everyone at this conference.