President’s Report

Gary Rabinovitz
As 2012 winds down in the amazing world of additive manufacturing, I would like to start off by thanking SLM Solutions GmbH for their generous hospitality at this year’s EuroMold trade show held in Frankfurt, Germany. We are very thankful to have such fine partners around the world. I would also like to personally thank the following individuals for their contributions and hard work while at EuroMold: Stefan Ritt, SLM Solutions, and Graham Tromans, G. P. Tromans Associates, our European Ambassadors, and Kevin Ayers, FBI.
The AMUG two-day Exhibitor Expo is starting to take shape as returning exhibitors and new exhibitors are signing on. Last year we had 56 exhibitors/sponsors, and we expect to exceed that number for the 2013 event. Along with Stratasys, our first Diamond Level sponsor, we also have two Platinum sponsors: NCP Leasing and SLM Solutions. Several Gold Level sponsor/exhibitors have also signed on: Materialise, Arkema Inc., Solid Concepts, Renishaw Inc., TCT,, Gardner Publications, SME, Laser Reproductions and SOMOS Materials by DSM, just to name a few.
Please stay tuned for the January newsletter. As the agenda begins to take shape, I will be posting information on our hands-on and training sessions. We are also in talks with a very special keynote speaker and will release this news once we have worked out the details. I have received many requests to present and hope to receive many more in the coming weeks. If you have already contacted me, please stand by as I will be in touch soon.
Please contact me ASAP to get involved (
I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season and a prosperous New Year.
All the best,
Gary Rabinovitz
AMUG President
Our Mission: Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) educates and advances the uses and applications of additive manufacturing technologies.
Vice President’s Report

Mark Barfoot
Vice President
Hey, Boss…I need you to buy this technology…here’s why…
Many of you have asked how you can justify to your management team that it needs to dedicate the funds to expand your additive manufacturing capabilities. The answer lies in developing an ROI that a management team can’t turn down. Todd Grimm and I will be co-hosting a session that will explore a variety of approaches you can take to justify the investment.
This is a can’t-miss event. It will detail how the financial calculations are done and show you how to account for intangible benefits, such as education of your engineering staff, time savings and overall project savings by having a better product at the end.
Whether or not you’ve ever justified equipment, you are sure to gain some insights during this session. Last year, Todd Grimm and Kevin Ayers did a session on how to research a technology. This session will be a follow on to it that will help you get the company decision makers to sign the PO.
Mark Barfoot
Vice President’s Report

Bret Bordner
Vice President
Refer a Friend
We have just five months until the conference. We are looking forward to larger attendance this year and want to encourage you to help spread the word.
We could spend money on marketing, but you are truly our best marketing resource. Your opinion carries so much more weight than an ad in a magazine.
Tell your colleagues, acquaintances, suppliers and customers that the AMUG conference is a show they can’t miss. Encourage everyone that is interested to sign up early so that we can get a good idea of attendance numbers to help us with our planning. Registration is open, and remember, this year you can sign up now and pay later. That’s our little gift to those that can’t pay until we get closer to the conference.
Bret Bordner
Contest Winners Announced
The 3D Printing Design Contest generated some pretty incredible designs. The imagination and ingenuity of our entrants impressed our judges, two of which are on the AMUG board. The Grand Prize Winner of the 3D Printing Design Contest receives a $2,000 cash prize, and all winners receive $100 and a 3D print of their model created on a Stratasys Mojo 3D Printer. And the winner is….
Read the article here.
More to the Story

Todd Grimm
AM Advisor
Twas the night before…
I think you know how the rest of that story goes. But even then, there is so much that isn’t discussed in its 540-word length. Pesky little details are missing. How do those reindeer take flight? How does a finger alongside the nose propel Santa up the chimney?
I bring up this seasonal tale because its cursory coverage of the event is much like what we are presented with in the additive manufacturing (AM) industry. Press releases, tweets and even full articles fail to provide the details that are important to an AM pro.
So where to turn? The AMUG Conference, of course. From formal presentations and casual conversations, you will uncover the details needed to make the right decisions and get the most from AM.
On that bright note, I wish you a happy holiday season & health and prosperity in the New Year.
Todd Grimm