President’s Report

Gary Rabinovitz
I sit here as the Blizzard of 2013 is now upon us New Englanders and contemplate what I am going to write for this February 2013 AMUG newsletter. I know one thing for sure, if I do not get out of here in the next 30 minutes, I could be stuck for some time.
There are now just 58 days before the kickoff of your 25th Silver Anniversary Conference, and like the blizzard, AMUG will be taking Jacksonville by storm April 6 – 10, 2014.
The agenda is nearly complete with a full four days of education and training as well as networking opportunities. The Exhibitor Expo is shaping up to be our largest ever, and the hotel is filling up fast. Please do not wait until the last minute to register as an attendee, sponsor or exhibitor as time grows shorter. The hotel room rate of $115 a night cannot be guaranteed after the cutoff date, so please get your reservations done now.
Please be sure to read (below) and follow the links to the Materialise and Stratasys training; you will need to pre-register for these sessions. We are just about to finalize our 2013 keynote speaker and really hope that we are able to lock him in. Please check our website for the most updated agenda.
If you need a letter of justification to attend, please let me know, and I can get one right off to you.
The 2013 Additive Manufacturing Users Group is packed full of all of the things you need to succeed in your job every day. You may need to bring multiple representatives from your company to this event since there is more information offered than one person can collect.
There are just a few speaking slots remaining, and I would love to have several more metals-oriented presentations. If you can fill this need, please be sure to contact me ASAP so that we can discuss adding you to the agenda. There are also several volunteer positions that need filled. If interested in those, contact me today at
All the best,
Gary Rabinovitz
AMUG President
Our Mission: Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) educates and advances the uses and applications of additive manufacturing technologies.
3D Printing: Interest Long Overdue, Enthusiasm not Sustainable
Conversations with members and non-members of AMUG revealed that there is a gold-rush mentality, a gold 3D printing fever, that has the newly aware rushing to get in on the action. Many are rushing to stake a claim in the promised-to-be revolution.
As with the California gold rush, there will be (and have been) some that strike it rich: investors, corporations and startups. On the other hand, when the “gold” runs out, there will be some that leave with empty pans and unmet dreams.
Can You Beat This?

Tim Gornet
Past President
The Technical Competition is always fierce, and the exceptional work draws a crowd. The question I pose is, “Can you do better?” If you think you have a project that the world needs to see, please visit the Technical Competition page for entry details.
2012 Technical Competition Winners

Todd Reese, Realize, Inc.
“Fantasy Figure”

Mike Pierce, Hamilton Beach Brands
“Food Processor Sheet Metal Part”
Tim Gornet
Sponsor News – Stratasys
Mass Finishing Works on FDM Parts
Stratasys finishing expert John Oney has perfected a process to improve the surface finish of FDM parts, automatically and in large batches, with equipment adopted from traditional metal finishing.
You can see an introduction here.
The Sorovetz Report

Tom Sorovetz
Event Manager
Well, roughly 58 days to zero hour for the 2013 AMUG Conference and Exhibition.
If you have not booked your hotel room, please do so NOW because our cut-off date for the $115.00 per night rate (plus tax) is March 13, 2013, and I cannot guarantee that rate after the 13th. It is much easier to book your room and cancel two days prior to arrival than to wait until the last minute and have to pay the premium rate of $172.00.
As noted earlier, the Exhibitor Expo is shaping up to be the biggest ever, but we want it to be even bigger. For that, we could use your help. If your suppliers aren’t aware of this great opportunity, please ask them to contact our vice presidents ( for details.
And speaking of exhibitors, for those that are already committed, please download the Exhibitor Information Kit. Due to limitations of the hotel, there are very specific procedures for shipping materials to the event, including contracting through our drayage company, Destination Planning.
See you in Sunny Florida,
Thomas A. Sorovetz
Event Manager