President’s Report
I would like to welcome everyone to the first AMUG newsletter of 2013. There are less than 90 days before the kickoff of your 25th Silver Anniversary Conference. The board is working extremely hard to bring you the best users group conference of all time. The initial feedback that we (the board) have received is very promising — looks like we will have record numbers for attendees, sponsors and exhibitors.
I would personally like to thank Stratasys for becoming our first Double Diamond in AMUG history. Stratasys has a great deal to offer you and will have multiple teaching and hands-on opportunities throughout the week. I will also give a shout-out to one of our newest Gold Sponsors, a company with an emerging technology, Mcor Technologies. Another first time Gold Sponsor is ExOne Company. Thank you all … and thanks to the 16 other sponsors (see a full list at
Here is a short list of the hands-on training that will be offered throughout the week. RapidTech has once again offered up their services with three sessions: 1) Small part metal plating 2) Hydroprinting, in conjunction with Stratasys 3) Safety and personal protection. DSM Somos will provide training on: 3D Lightyear, Maintaining your Photopolymer Vat and How to Read an MSDS. Meanwhile, Integra Services will supply an SLS session on upgrades and several SLA sessions, including hands-on hardware maintenance. Materalise will be offering five two-hour sessions of hands-on Magics software training for both the novice and advanced user. You must pre-register for these sessions. More information will be available soon.
If you have volunteered to present at AMUG, please hang in there. You will be receiving all login and upload information before February 1st. With the Harvester system we are using, if you are a returning presenter and you are using the same email login, most of your information will pre-populate for you. There are a few speaking slots remaining, so please be sure to contact me soon so that we can discuss adding you to the agenda.
Please contact me ( ASAP to get involved.
All the best,
Gary Rabinovitz
AMUG President
Our Mission: Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) educates and advances the uses and applications of additive manufacturing technologies.
Technical Competition
We’d love for you to show off the excellent work that you or your company are doing with additive manufacturing (AM). And now is the time to start submitting entries for the annual Technical Competition, which recognizes innovation and excellence in AM. Visit the competition’s page for details and registration forms.
The Technical Competition has two categories: Advanced Concepts and Advanced Finishing.
The Advanced Concepts category recognizes exemplary work that “pushes the envelope.” The Advanced Finishing category recognizes the efforts of those that bring a part to life.
All entries will be displayed at the conference’s Exhibitor Expo and will be judged by a panel of five “DINOs,” AMUG honorees that are expert users who graciously contribute to the member community. Winners will be announced during the conference (April 14 – 18, Jacksonville, Florida) at the Award Banquet gala.
To be eligible, a company representative must be a registered attendee for the 2013 AMUG Conference.
Tim Gornet