September 2023
President’s report
AMUG 2024 registration is OPEN! Even with our opening a month earlier than usual, we are seeing an extraordinary number of attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors secure their positions at our 2024 conference.
What is the benefit of earlier registration? For sponsors and exhibitors, it ensures you will be on hand to share your products/services with a community of AM users (we have often sold out of AMUGexpo space). Also for sponsors, early registration/payment contributes to your priority points, which feed into our booth selection algorithm.
Note that the conference is set up so that we will guide our attendees into the expo area to help facilitate community amongst us. I learn so much from listening to the conversations and Q&A sessions during the AMUGexpo…often it will trigger new applications and ideas for me!
For attendees, registering early allows you to take advantage of our early-bird rate of $1,295 through January 5, 2024. Remember, the registration fee is for an all-inclusive event—this includes sessions, AMUGexpo, Special Event & Dinner, meals/snacks, and evening bar through 10:00 PM (inside of planned event space).
Be sure to secure your hotel reservation via the AMUG site as well—take advantage of our negotiated pricing of $149 per night. The entire conference resides within the Hilton Chicago, so staying onsite gives you the best opportunity to engage with other users, whether in a session, at a meal, in the elevator, in the coffee shop, in the restaurant, or simply in the hallway.
Registration opening is our first step in member engagement for 2024. Be on the lookout for the following things: call for speakers (help us build the technically relevant information for our membership), scholarship applications (we award one for a student and one for an educator each year), Technical Competition entries (we had over 30 last year), DINO nominations (we award up to ten DINOs each year), Board of Directors nominations (we have three positions up for election this year).
We build AMUG 2024 for our fellow users to be the Makers we are… let’s make this another terrific conference!
Shannon VanDeren

Shannon VanDeren
ASTM pre-conference course
Registration for the first pre-conference activity is live. ASTM is hosting a two-day course, Methods of Qualification and Certification for Additive Manufacturing, starting on Saturday, March 9, 2024.
This course is aimed at intermediate to advanced users who utilize or plan to utilize AM in serial or critical applications and would like to learn more about the routes to qualification and certification. There will be plenty of discussions, mini-workshops, and opportunities for questions. The course is a perfect complement to your learning at the AMUG Conference.
Click here to learn more and register. The early-bird rate is valid through February 9, 2024.

DINO nominations to open October 2, 2023
The Distinguished INnovator Operators Award (DINO) is AMUG’s most prestigious honor. It is bestowed upon those with the highest levels of AM expertise and a willingness to share that knowledge through contributions to AMUG, its members, and the industry it represents.
DINO Selection
The AM industry is filled with innovative, dedicated, and passionate individuals who contribute to the industry and to AMUG. Each year, the DINO Selection Committee reviews submitted nominations and the list of conference registrants to select no more than 10 deserving individuals. The committee FIRST considers contributions to AMUG (speaker, volunteer, etc.). Then, it considers contributions to the AM industry, years of hands-on work with AM technology, willingness to share and assist, skill level, and other subjective factors.
Do you or someone you know have what it takes to be named a DINO? For details and a link for submissions of nominations (available on October 2), visit DINO Selection.

New DINOs at the 2023 AMUG Conference.
Sponsor & exhibitors: don’t miss out on the best AMUG event ever
Our August newsletter announced some exciting changes to AMUG 2024, including new sponsorship and exhibitor offerings, a refreshed floor plan, a new pricing model, and extended AMUGexpo hours.
We’re happy to report that registration is moving fast! We’re on track to sell out again, so don’t miss out on your chance to be a part of the biggest and best AMUG event ever.
Just as a reminder, some of the changes are:
- Refreshed floorplan
- New pricing model
- Private meeting rooms
- Extended AMUGexpo hours
Don’t forget to download the prospectus here.
We believe these changes will make AMUG 2024 the best event yet for sponsors, exhibitors, and attendees. We’re excited to see you in Chicago!

AMUGexpo 2023.
Onsite volunteering at AMUG 2024
The AMUG Volunteer form is now LIVE.
If you are interested in participating in any onsite volunteer activities at the conference, you must fill out the form to be considered. You will have the opportunity to give your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices, as well as your availability, to help the Volunteer Committee gauge your interests and potential time commitments.
Onsite activities include the infamous bag stuffing event, which takes place on Saturday, March 9, 2024, helping at the registration desk, participating as a ‘host’ by passing out table numbers at networking lunches, and guiding people onto buses for the offsite Special Event & Dinner, and moderating speaking sessions.
Other areas where volunteers may be needed are helping the Marketing Committee with signage, stocking the media center, and assisting the Expo Committee during setup of the AMUGexpo. The link to the AMUG Volunteer Form is linked below and on the AMUG website. The form will close on March 1, 2024.

AMUG volunteers celebrating the completion of bag stuffing and the opening of AMUG 2023.
New advanced materials expand possibilities for manufacturing and design
Though 3D printing is a powerful technology with massive upside and new opportunities, it is still one tool in the toolbox for many manufacturers, engineers, and designers. Adding new capabilities through the introduction of advanced materials, like our new pure silicone resin, Silicone 40A, and technical ceramic resin, Alumina 4N Resin, truly expands what’s possible with 3D printing technology.
We’re so excited at Formlabs to see how our users combine the familiar power of these materials with the ease of use, reliability, and consistency of the Form 3+ and Form 3L SLA printers.
Through new webinars, case studies, whitepapers, and live demonstrations at events like FabTech, The Digital Factory, and upcoming shows, our users can see these new materials in action and dream up what they can accomplish with an expanding repertoire of high-performance tools.

Formlabs’ two new advanced SLA materials, Silicone 40A Resin and Alumina 4N Resin, are pushing the industry forward with specialized, high-performance resins and powders.
Long-range scanning made easy
3D scanning large items with high-detail resolution is no longer an issue with the Artec Ray II. With certified accuracy and life-like details, you can use this quick and easy method to gather 2 million points per second for the most precise quality inspections. Capture vehicles in minutes and aircraft and buildings in only a few hours with the peace of mind that no details will be missed.

Artec Ray II.
Valiant TMS keeps pace with customer needs with Origin One
Valiant TMS provides intelligent factory automation solutions to companies that make cars, aircraft, and off-road machinery, and it focuses on consistent delivery of high-value products and continual improvement.
To help achieve that, Valiant TMS established an Additive Manufacturing Lab, which serves as an AM center of excellence.
Since establishing the lab, they have supplied customers with manufacturing solutions using metal and polymer AM, which includes FDM® technology. Among other applications, Valiant TMS uses FDM to produce tooling that stands up well in the factory floor environment. However, since operators handle some of these tools, Valiant TMS considered expanding beyond FDM into photopolymer AM solutions that produce very smooth finishes for greater user comfort. After researching several options, Valiant TMS settled on the Stratasys Origin One™ 3D printer.
Read the full customer story.

This tool was 3D printed with Loctite® 3D 3172 resin in the Origin One, which has high impact resistance and a good surface finish.
Meltio boosts metal AM for robots: Meltio Space and Meltio Robot Cell
Meltio unveiled in September 2023 two innovations to boost its metal 3D printing system to answer all industrial applications linked to the use of an industrial robotic arm. With these two innovations, the Meltio Space software and the new Meltio Robot Cell product, the company is responding to the increased use of metal 3D printing in different industrial sectors by offering the best tools for its adoption with a focus on ease of use and affordability.
In recent months, there has been a growing demand from industries that incorporate the Meltio head on a robotic arm—Meltio Engine Robot Integration—to print and repair metal parts with wire-laser AM technology. To address this rise in demand from the industrial sector, Meltio has launched the Meltio Space toolpath generator to facilitate the use of its metal 3D printing solutions. By offering a user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, this robot slicer simplifies the integration of Meltio’s wire-laser metal 3D printing technology by providing a built-in robot library and postprocessors for some of the most popular robotic brands, including ABB, Kuka, FANUC, and Yaskawa.
This toolpath generator software offers an easy-to-use interface for planar, nonplanar, and variable extrusion toolpaths. It also includes 2-axis workpiece positioner interpolation, 6-axis robotic motion, kinematics simulation, collisions check, and cell configuration.
The second innovation by Meltio is a turn-key, plug-and-play Additive Manufacturing Meltio Robot Cell to boost the performance of a robotic arm converted into a system to 3D print metal parts in a safer, more reliable, and highly accurate way by controlling the entire.

An engineer using the new Meltio Space software.
VulcanForms fumbles $1B valuation
A former employee spoke to about the state of VulcanForms. Once considered a future unicorn, the Boston-based startup developed a metal laser-powder-bed-fusion method tailored to mass production. However, the insider report reveals that the company may have faltered when executing its vision.
Read the VulcanForms story.

Serial production image from VulcanForms.
Digital Engineering 24/
Focus on medical device design in the September issue
The September issue of Digital Engineering magazine focuses on medical device design. The issue includes an in-depth feature on the opportunities and challenges posed by point-of-care 3D printing in the hospital setting, as well as articles on patient-centered medical design, the use of simulation in medical device applications, and device traceability.
Read the stories here.

September issue: medical device design featured.
3D Printing
3D Printing Industry Awards: nominations closing soon
Nominations are open for the 2023 3D Printing Industry Awards. We want to hear who leads the industry with innovation, applications, and community spirit. We’d truly value your input, so if you have 10 minutes now, please let us know.
We’ve made a major change. In addition to the public selection process, we’ve listened to feedback and assembled a series of expert committees to select the 2023 winners. An astonishing combined AM experience of 1,500 years is represented. Perhaps you recognize some of the 3D printing expert committee members – or perhaps you are one of them!
You can follow the process leading to the big night under the hashtag #3DPIAwards.

Nominate a leader for the 3D Printing Industry Awards.
Metal AM
International conference on electron beam AM: Highlights from EBAM 2023
Since the first conference on electron beam AM in Nuremberg in 2016, the EBAM conference series has been the central meeting point for industry and academia to exchange knowledge on this dynamic area of AM. After the event was forced to go virtual in 2020 due to COVID-19, attendees could finally meet face-to-face again in Erlangen, March 22-24.
Marie Franke-Jurisch and Dr. Matthias Markl report on recent developments in materials, process, and machine technology, all of which serve to demonstrate that electron beam-based technologies are once again firmly established in the metal AM world.
Read the full article here.

EBAM 2023 (March 22-24), organized by Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
Don’t miss ADDITIV Polymers World
Don’t miss your chance to register for free for ADDITIV Polymers World, an international virtual event focusing on the role and influence of polymer AM. It will be a half day dedicated to panel discussions, workshops, and networking, bringing together the main players in polymer manufacturing looking for an approach to new technologies.
Join us on October 5, 2023, from 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM EDT (3:00 PM – 7:30 PM CEST) to learn more about plastic 3D printing, looking at everything from material development to post-processing and more with speakers from Formula 1, ORNL and L’Oreal, among others.
Register here.

Register for free to attend ADDITIV Polymers World.
Want to be featured in our Formnext issue?
According to our recent industry survey, 72% of AM professionals say TCT Magazine is their first source for AM and 3D printing industry news. Over two-thirds want to receive those insights in print.
The next issue of TCT Magazine will be your go-to print + digital source to learn about the most innovative AM technologies headed for Frankfurt this November. The TCT editorial team will be bringing you previews and in-depth conversations with key companies and industry newcomers about what they will be bringing to the show floor.
From product launches to novel applications, our on-site Formnext issue will serve as your guide to the stands you should not miss. If you will have a stand at Formnext, don’t miss the opportunity to be featured. For more information, contact

Share news and insights in TCT’s Formnext issue.
Make Parts
Responsible manufacturing and 3D printing trends
Design World’s September issue features a special Digital Manufacturing section with insight from nano3Dprint and EOS on direct-write technology and responsible manufacturing. The Medical Tips section from our life sciences editors also highlights how 3D printing advances patient-centered care and medical device manufacturing.
Read for free and subscribe! Explore past Design World issues and join our mailing list for digital manufacturing updates and insights.

Read up on 3D printing trends in Design World’s September issue.
Landscape of AM in Middle East
This article by AM Chronicle delves into the insights and advancements observed in different industries across the Middle East, highlighting the role of AM in shaping a new era of innovation and growth.
Read Full Story.

AM in Middle East.
A look at “emerging topics” in the latest 3D ADEPT Mag
Since AM is already described as “the most overhyped technology,” there is a need to lay out the facts and be transparent about the impact of those non-AM/3DP frontier solutions without enthusing. In the latest edition of 3D ADEPT Mag, we have identified some topics already making strides across the software, materials, and applications segments.
We also brought to the table a timeless and complex topic: part qualification. Chosen by our community, the topic is not a new one at 3D Adept media, but as AM is entering a maturation stage, there is a need to document and characterize qualification efforts and to provide (or attempt) a framework that could really help industries, so that you can plan tomorrow, today.
Read the latest edition of 3D ADEPT Mag here and subscribe to receive every edition here.

Cover for the latest edition of 3D ADEPT Mag.
VoxelMatters releases new reports on technical and traditional ceramic AM
After conducting extensive research over the past several months, VoxelMatters Research, a leading market analysis company specializing in tracking the global AM industry, has released the results of its new comprehensive studies on the technical and traditional ceramic AM segments.
The two reports, titled Technical Ceramic AM Market 2023 and Traditional Ceramic & Sand AM Market 2023, collect information on sales and business activities from over 160 companies operating in these segments today.
According to the new reports, the technical ceramic AM segment is projected to grow from $113 million in 2022 to $2 billion in revenues by 2032, a 33.5% CAGR. The traditional ceramic and sand AM segment is expected to grow from $137 million to $1.7 billion in revenues, growing at 30.4% CAGR during the same period.
While they still represent a niche market, technical and traditional ceramics continue to show strong signs of growth, fast technological development, and a high potential for industrial adoption. For these reasons, VoxelMatters has been tracking these market segments for years and has built the most accurate and complete database in the world of market data.
You can read the entire article covering the two reports on or learn more about the studies on VoxelMatters Research’s dedicated website.

Projected growth of ceramics market through 2032.