October 2022
President’s report
AMUG Members,
AMUG 2023 registration is OPEN! Judging from the attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors that have already registered, the 2023 conference may be a record-setting year for user participation. It appears that some attendees and sponsors were having a ‘watch party’ to get their registration in when the clock struck midnight to become October 1st (when registration opened).
However, for those of us that needed our sleep or had other things on our minds, there is still plenty of time to register. Attendees get an early-bird rate of $1,295 through January 6, 2023. Sponsor and exhibitor registrations are on a first-come first-serve basis, and we are already nearly 50% sold. So don’t delay your registration, and don’t put off making your hotel reservation, which will also sell out fast.
Opening registration for the AMUG Conference may appear as simple as flipping a light switch, but in that dark background before the lightbulb shines is a dedicated group of volunteers and professionals working hard to make registration possible. They update and review the Sponsor and Exhibitor Prospectus and Terms and Conditions; they test software, data capture, and reporting; and they do much more to make the registration process work. Once again, I am thankful to the army of volunteers on our committees that freely contribute their time and efforts with the desire to see AMUG thrive.
This registration milestone initiates other important opportunities for our members. As an AMUG Member, take the time to recommend a fellow member for the prestigious DINO (Distinguished INnovator Operators) Award. Additionally, members should now start to consider a self-nomination (coming soon) or peer-nomination to become a Board of Directors candidate in the 2023 election. And check out the articles below covering our call for speakers and scholarships.
Mark Abshire

Mark Abshire
The “value” of the AMUG Conference
Everyone has a budget, and the businesses we work for aren’t exceptions. And it seems budgets are constantly getting smaller while prices are continually rising. This puts even more pressure on travel and conference attendance approvals.
The only reasonable offset to this conundrum is to demonstrate value. The word “value”, often overused, can be simplified to an uncomplicated equation of worth ÷ service. Now, worth can only be judged by your expected returns from the contracted service. So, if you received twice your anticipated return at the same service cost, you have 2 times (2÷1) the value.
The great news is that an AMUG Conference offers much more value than other events with higher returns (worth) and lower total cost (service cost). On the cost side of the equation, the only expenses are the conference fee, hotel (with a very low rate for a downtown Chicago stay), and transportation to the event. AMUG has you covered for meals, beverages, and evening activities.
The worth side of the equation is much, much more extensive. First, consider the cost reduction for other budget items like training, capital equipment expenses (by helping you to avoid buying the wrong machines), and operating expenses (by showing you how to complete AM work efficiently). The insights and knowledge gained at an AMUG Conference will help you to spend your company’s money wisely.
The worth side is also inflated by enabling you and your team to do more with AM. Exposure to new applications and techniques (with how-to guidance); insights on new technologies, materials, and software; and connections with others that can assist you in the future create accumulating worth by helping you to do more (and do it well) with AM.
High value is what the Additive Manufacturing User Group Conference offers. Our not-to-be-missed conference is filled with presentations by users and manufacturers, hands-on workshops, technical competitions, a student poster session, a sponsor and exhibitor exposition, and many other activities designed for information exchange all day and into the evenings. In addition, we offer the opportunity to build AM network relationships that last a lifetime.
Unlike a trade show that aims to generate revenue at your expense, AMUG is a non-profit group organized and executed by AM users who strive to keep costs low while delivering valuable education and training. Increasing worth and decreasing cost makes the AMUG Conference a truly valuable experience.

AMUG 2023 Scholarships are live!
If you know of any students or educators in the AM/3D Printing space, please encourage them to apply for an AMUG Scholarship. The scholarship applications are live at amug.com/scholarships
Those selected for the scholarships receive expenses-covered access to the AMUG Conference. The opportunity to attend the AMUG Conference, where the scholarship recipients are immersed in the AM community, is invaluable.
There are two distinct categories.
Students: The Guy E. Bourdeau Scholarship sponsored by Cimquest, Inc.
Educators: The Randy Stevens Scholarship sponsored by In’Tech Industries
The deadline to apply for either scholarship is January 23, 2023. Visit the scholarship page for details and a link to the submission form, or go directly to the scholarship submissions site.
Here’s what some of our past recipients had to say.
I did not anticipate how personally meaningful the AMUG and scholarship experience would be to me. I wouldn’t trade my AMUG experience for anything and can’t wait to help next year and see my friends again.
Sean Dobson – 2021 Guy Bourdeau Scholar
The many connections I made have allowed me to grow our 3D printing program significantly. We have doubled the number of printers in our lab. I’ve been inspired to take our program in directions I had never thought possible.
John Sorvillo – 2021 Randy Stevens Scholar
My experience was far beyond my expectation. Every person I spoke with was welcoming and showed genuine appreciation for the AMUG community. It was infectious; nothing can beat my first AMUG experience.
Kate Schneidau – 2020 Guy Bourdeau Scholar

AMUG is now accepting scholarship applications.
Call for speakers
Are you a user of AM and interested in knowledge sharing to educate other AM users? If so, please consider speaking at AMUG 2023. We are a “for users, by users” conference where the information flows from people like you.
Join us, as a speaker, to share, learn and network to make new connections at this year’s AMUG Conference.
To be considered for a presentation session, please send a short bio and abstract to trackleader@amug.com. Submissions will be accepted until December 1st, but do not delay—sessions are filling up fast.
If you’d like to contribute to the information sharing but aren’t prepared to fill a speaking session, there are other ways to get involved in the AMUG program.
Host a workshop
Not a great speaker; host a workshop! Our hands-on workshops are a great way to get involved. Don’t just talk the talk; walk the walk by showing others how to get things done.
Show users how to post process, handle materials, use software, scan, or print…these are just a few of the possible workshop topics. Also, note that your workshop can demonstrate what NOT TO DO!
Coordinate a panel discussion
Get your peers, competitors, friends, and frenemies involved—spark some conversation and promote knowledge sharing across the industry through a discussion-oriented session.
If you have an idea for a workshop or panel discussion, send a description to trackleader@amug.com.

Take the stage at AMUG 2023.
Technical Competition
What interesting and unique projects have you worked on lately? Was it an innovative application that was only made possible with AM? Did it have an amazing finish that took skills and artistry to bring the additive parts to life? If you, or someone you know, is working on an application or project that is state-of-the-art in AM, now is the time to plan an entry for the AMUG Technical Competition.
If you are asking yourself if you should enter…the answer is “Yes!” Yes, you can enter if you are a first-time or repeat attendee. This is a great way to expand your network and share your projects. Yes, you should enter if you have a unique part or assembly. You will have great conversations about your business and your capabilities. Yes, you should enter if your project isn’t completed today. You have five months before your project is displayed at the AMUG Conference!
Sharing your projects and learning from others is how our industry grows. The innovation displayed at AMUG Conferences is unlike that at any other event, and it is not to be missed.
Stay tuned for more information about entering the 2023 Technical Competition, and start planning your entry today. Contact the Technical Competition Committee (TechComp@amug.com) if you have any questions.

Participate in the 2023 Technical Competition.
Nominations for AMUG Board positions
The AMUG Nominating Committee is eager to begin receiving nominations for board positions that will be open as of July 1, 2023. However, we have a bit more work to do before accepting nominations. We are planning interviews with our current board members so that our vetting process can be thorough and informative. And we are finalizing the descriptions of duties for each position.
Our goal is to have a slate of candidates that will make your voting decision tough due to the quality of those running for postitions. Ultimately with more good candidates, we all win.
For the election, we will have four elected positions and one appointed position. We are seeking nominations for the following:
- Secretary (both an officer and Director)—two-year term
- Director, Conference and Education—two-year term
- Director, Sponsors and Exhibitors—two-year term
- Director, Event and Hospitality—two-year term
- Treasurer (both an officer and Director)—three-year term
All details regarding these positions and the election will be posted on the Board Elections page. Once we open the self-nomination portal, a link will be made available. Presently, there is a link for you to recommend a candidate. The recommended candidates will be contacted to gauge their interest in serving on the AMUG Board.
We look forward to interviewing all candidates in the near future. Remember that this is your Users Group (For Users, By Users). We appreciate and need your contributions! We will do all we can to help make sure you are successful in any capacity in which you can contribute to AMUG and its members.

Seeking strong candidates for the AMUG Board.